Ready to Up the Ante with the Brand New ADVANCED Fiction Profits Group?
With the Fiction Profits Group You Just Completed...You're Just Getting Started.  Time to Get Into the "Nitty Gritty" on the Most Powerful and Profitable ADVANCED Secrets and Strategies
Here's What to Expect in the Upcoming ADVANCED Fiction Profits Group:
  • How to Set Up a Facebook Group and Get Droves of Raving Readers FOR FREE Without Spending Money on Ads
  • How You Can Show Your Book to Readers Who Are Avid Fans of "Heavy Hitter" Romance Authors Such As Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts, and Other Famous Authors
  • ​A Marketing "Trick" to Get You SWARMS of New Readers Who Will Immediately Buy Your Book
  • The Best and Most Effective Way to Set Up Your System with to Do "Book Swaps" For Maximum New Readers in Minimum Time
  • ​How to Create Quick and Easy Video Reels (Using Professionals) to Suck In New Readers Through Instagram and TikTok
  • ​At the End of the Group, You'll Be Entitled to a Personal One-on-One 30-Minute Phone Call with Monica Main to Address Any Questions or Get Assistance of Any Kind with Your Amazon KDP Publishing Business

This Advanced Group Starts on May 23, 2023

Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Shipping Address (Must Match Your Billing Address)
Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip Code / Postal Code:

ONE TIME OFFER FOR AN EXTRA $297: Yes, ADD me to the upcoming Internet Cash Flow Bootcamp Seminar so I can fully understand ALL of the "ins and outs" when it comes to marketing online. I understand that what you will be talking about for 3 days (on May 19th, 20th, and 21st) will also apply to selling books online as well so I definitely DO NOT want to miss this LAST EVER opportunity to join you. I also understand that I DO NOT have to attend in person and that I can enjoy the event virtually as well as having the replays after the event concludes. So, YES, count me in!

Step #3: Check out
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

Prefer to Use PayPal Instead?  Use the Buttons Below:

Advanced Fiction Profits ONLY

Only $997

Advanced Group + ICF Event Ticket

Only $1,294

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